So, I've decided to do two things here and I felt the need to share them.
The first is that I'm going to shake up the blog a little bit. I find that there are things that I want to blog about that have very little "experiment" to them, so I think that, while I'll still write about the cooking and crafting experiments I do (and whether or not they fail miserably) I'll also have entries about random life occurrences, or random thoughts that I have that I think are interesting and want to share.
The second thing I'm going to do - which you may have extrapolated from the title of this entry - I am going to begin doing reviews. This is not as random as it seems... well, okay, it's pretty random but I wasn't the one who started it! See, one of the metaphysical book publishers that I follow on Twitter (Weiser Books) advertised a bit ago that one of their partners was offering free items to people willing to do blog reviews of them. Naturally, the idea of free stuff in a realm that I'm obviously interested in made me says "Yes, please!" immediately.
Apparently I should have looked a bit closer into who was offering, or what was being offered. I have eagerly awaited the arrival of the items - which I assumed would be of some metaphysical nature - for a couple weeks. Then, on Saturday, I went out to check the mail and there was a package. Yay! I grabbed it, ran into my bedroom and ripped it open. Inside were books! I like books! This was a good sign. Then I started reading the titles. Apparently, the partner publishes romance books. I now have a stack of four lit-porn titles sitting on my nightstand. I started cracking up laughing.
All of the books seem to have a supernatural bent to the, so that's pretty awesome. I have read plenty of lit-porn before, so it's not like it's going to offend me (I mean, come on, I read Anita Blake and Kushiel's and was fine). It was just a bit shocking to be expecting some thing deep and metaphysical and receive... porn. I haven't started them at this point, but I likely will sometime this week. And then I'll post my review of them here!
So, that's the entirety of the changes. I figured that you (all ... *looks* 3 of you!) that follow my blog deserved to know that it's going to get shaken up a bit.
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