Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Religion, Politics and Other Topics Not For Polite Company

For any who don't know (but, really, you all should at this point), I enjoy debate.  I like to talk about controversial subjects that most other people shy away from.  I have a lot of opinions on various topics and, in addition to sharing them with others, I like to hear what opinions other people have on these issues.  I think that I kind of take it for granted that 1) everyone else has an opinion on whatever I want to talk about and 2) that everyone I talk to on even a semi-regular basis has the capacity to handle any subject in a mature manner.

This is not always the case, unfortunately.  Occasionally I drastically underestimate the capacity for humans to be snarky and/or generally horrid to other humans of differing opinions.  Yet I still feel, deep down, that somehow if you just talk to each other there has to be a way to come to a place where you can both, if not agree, at least respect each other's opinions enough to not be jerks about it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Experiments in the Kitchen - Party Food!

It all started last Wednesday at about 4 in the morning. We were standing outside the Waffle House (which is where a group of my friends and I go after dancing at a local club) and one of our friends said "We should have a coloring party tomorrow!"

Some plans for this were bandied about, people offering to bring this or that. At that time of the morning, it sounded like an awesome idea! The next afternoon, however, it was realized that the timing was just too short. Thus the party was postponed until Saturday.

One of my friends, at whose house we were having this shindig, asked me for advice on what to do about food. I helpfully offered some suggestions. I was probably a bit more helpful than was practical. She replied back "So... Chips and salsa?" I smiled and offered to whip somethings together, secretly jumping for joy at an excuse to really cut loose in the kitchen.