Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On Breakups and Betrayals

As any who read this blog will already know, I am very recently divorced. For all the gory details on that particular breakup, you can see this post here. This post is not about that. Well, at least not directly, anyway.

This particular post is about friendships. Throughout my life friendships have always been something that I've struggled with, both to acquire and maintain. It will probably come as quite a shock to anyone who knows me - both in real life and on the internet - that I'm actually pretty shy and get easily freaked out when I'm in a group of people I don't know.  I work to hide this by going overboard and being outgoing and social and gregarious, but it's all an act. Internally I'm usually pretty spazzed that I'm stuck in a place, talking to people I don't know anything about. This might become apparent to people at some point in the friendship, as once I begin to be comfortable with people I let down my guard and instead of being Ultra Social Butterfly Girl I revert to my more mundane personality. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, I just know that this is what happens.