Friday, October 15, 2010

On Labels and Identity

With National Coming Out Day just passing, I've been thinking a lot about labels. This is probably helped by the fact that I've read quite a few blogs, status updates and what-have-you that have talked about people's experiences in regards to coming out - and the comments these revelations have inspired.

I'm bisexual. I think that I've always known this, although I didn't actually come out until I was 16. It has now been over a decade since that happened and, while the actual experience of coming out was not a good one, I am very happy to be able to feel like I don't have to hide who I am from the people who are close to me.  This is not to say that everyone I tell handles the information with maturity and respect (although I have found that the percentage of people who take the news poorly has gotten significantly less the older I get), but I no longer fear telling people and am firm in the belief that anyone who would use this as a reason to not be my friend is not a friend I would want anyway.